Thursday, February 11, 2010

Let's Talk about Salmon...

Let's talk about you and me, Let's talk about all the good things...whoops sorry wrong song.

Salmon, this was supposed to be a post about Salmon, however I am faced with a conundrum. Steelhead Salmon, or rather trout, as it is the same species as the rainbow trout, except that the Steelhead, like salmon, lives in both fresh and salt water. This is where the confusion lies; some fish markets, like the Whole Foods counter correctly label this fish Steelhead Trout (which was actually what I used to think it was), but then the Eastern Market fish counter labels it Steelhead Salmon. Since I have bought almost all of my fish from the Eastern Market fish counter, I have called it Salmon for the last oh 2 years and 8 months. According to the internet I am wrong. It is trout. And really it tastes like a red meat trout, it doesn't taste a lot like any of the varieties of Salmon I have eaten.

So why do some erroneously call it Salmon, well I think the word Salmon probably sells more fish. I think a lot of people think trout is really fishy, and many people don't like fishy fish. I like pretty much all fish, except flounder and cat fish. I just can't do those.

On to our Steelhead trout. It was really yummy and super fresh (even in the midst of 2 snowstorms). I did this fish really simply, I'm not even sure I would call this recipe so much as a preparation. There were 2 of us eating so I bought 3/4 lb of fish. Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees. I placed the fish skin side down on a cookie sheet. I brushed it with olive oil, and then sprinkled 2 chopped garlic cloves and a littel kosher salt on the fish. Then into the oven. That is it, all there is to it. You just let the fish cook until you think it was done. We usually like our fish medium rareish, the inside is a always just a little undercooked. Most of you will probably like your fish cooked completely all the way through.

Accompaniment, can be anything, a salad, broccoli, brussel sprouts, potatoes, really anything goes with fish this way.

And viola, that is the fish I had for dinner Tuesday evening.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really think calling it salmon is incorrect. Salmon and trout are of the same family and in some cases the same genus (Cutthroat Trout is the same genus as Steelhead, as is Sockeye Salmon but no one confuses a Cutthroat Troat for a salmon or a Sockeye Salmon for a trout). As they are all of the family salmonidae technically they are all salmon...

    Sorry worked as a fish monger and did extensive research into fishery issues when I studied Env Sci at UI...
