Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Where has the thyme gone?

No seriously, where has the time gone? I have done a great injustice to the 3 maybe 4 people who read this blog when I started it. I slacked, I haven't updated in, oh, 10 months and 10 days give or take a couple.

I have good reasons, really good reasons, first I got married, and in the midst of finalizing plans for the wedding Rob and I decided we might as well throw common sense to the wind and sell our condo and buy a new house. Let me the preface the following by saying I love love love my new house. That being said, what idiot decides to concurrently plan a wedding and try to sell/buy a piece of real estate, and oh wait, also Captain an Ultimate Frisbee team, work a full time job, and maybe spend time with a new husband and beloved dog? This idiot that's who. Seriously, looking back I should have screamed at myself not to overextend, don't stress yourself out too much, really just a wedding is a big thing for one year. But no, I stressed, overextended, and embittered the crap out of myself. By the end of the year I had become one, large mess of a person. I'm sure I was just a joy to be around too.

And so begins 2011, full of nothing, I've stepped back from former major commitments (obviously not the marriage one, I think I'll keep that guy around for quite a long long time ;-) and have a spate of free time on my hands that I must fill. A few things are brewing, but nothing big. The focus of this year, healthier eating (much), and running a couple of half-marathons; basically getting myself into the happiest shape I've ever been in. That may also equal best shape, but really I'm just going for being happy. I am also going to restart this blog. The recipes might look, for the most part, a little different, expect lots and lots of veggies and lean meats, and not much of anything else. Hell I'm eating spinach for part of my breakfast, seriously.

So until I post tomorrow I leave you with this thought provoking question: Who needs potatoes when you can have mashed cauliflower?

1 comment:

  1. Yay! And I'm happy to help fill some of those empty hours :)

    As for potatoes v. mashed cauliflower. If I don't like normal steamed cauliflower, will that change because it's been mashed?
