Wednesday, January 6, 2010

B is for Butternut

Butternut squash is one of those vegetables that until recently I thought I didn't like. Maybe my mother was correct whenever she told me I should keep trying foods I thought I didn't like, because maybe my taste will change. This has been true for a number of veggies in the past few years (Brussels sprouts, artichokes, squashes...). Of all the squashes I have tasted, thus far, butternut is my hands down favorite.

Really there is nothing like a good smooth butternut squash soup. I'll eat it any time of the year, but its the best on a chilly late autumn or winter day. And best of all, butternut squash soup lets me use my favorite kitchen gadget: the emulsion blender. I kowtow to the person who came up with this gadget, it is brilliant, it is fun, it is perfect for people who aren't into chunks in their spaghetti sauce, but that is a whole different post.

My butternut squash soup is based off of a Jamie Oliver recipe (more on him later too, sigh love him), though I'll change it up based on what I have in the house. Tonight we (my fiance Rob and I) are having a version I made and froze before Christmas. To make it you will need: 1 fairly large butternut squash, 1 med onion, 3 celery stalks, 2 carrots, 2 garlic cloves (more or less depending on your garlic preferences, 1 dried red hot chili pepper (2 if you are feeling spicy!), olive oil, salt, pepper, 8 cups of water or chicken/veggie broth. Other things I've thrown in this soup include: sage, thyme, sweet potatoes, parsnips, acorn squash, red onion, apples, cream...and that is just what I have tried. Be adventurous, what is the worst thing that could happen, it tastes bad. But I firmly believe the only way to have fun cooking and learn how to do it, is trial and error. And when something you attempt works, wow does it feel (and taste) good!

Back to the recipe, once you have everything you need, chop up the onion, celery, carrots, dried chili and garlic, toss them in your large pot with some Olive Oil. Saute until the veggies are soft ~10 mins. You don't want the veggies to brown, just soften up, so the heat should be on Medium. While the veggies are sauteing peel, halve, deseed, and chunk your butternut squash. Once the veggies in the pot are ready add the squash and water/stock to the pot, turn up the heat and bring to a boil, then simmer until the squash is soft.

And now it is time for my favorite part, turn off the heat and use your emulsion blender to blend the soup smooth, oh the fun! If you don't have an emulsion blender, you can use a regular blender by pouring the soup in in small portions (then ask for an emulsion blender for your birthday, or the next upcoming holiday, I think it makes a perfect talk like a pirate day present. Argh blend me a soup matey, no you don't think so?) After you blend salt and pepper to taste. You can serve it by itself, with grilled cheese (that is dinner tonight for Rob, with some cheese on top (marscapone, soft goat, or parmesan are super additions), or a salad (my dinner tonight), or anything else you think you might want to eat with it.

And voila that is my meal this evening.

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