Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not just for human consumption...

I have a dog, well really my dog has me but that is a whole different post. Hendrix is about as cute as they come, one floppy ear, jowls, great tail, really a yummy package of German Shepherd/Hound mix. Once I figure out the photo posting thing, I'll post a picture, but given that I'm just now jumping on the blog train and, well, I haven't quite made it to facebook yet, don't hold your breath.

What does my dog have to do with Meals you ask? Excellent question. Hendrix is allergic to peanuts. Yes he is a dog, not a two year old toddler. Do you know that there are peanuts, or peanut butter, in innumerable dog treats! I spend my time at the pet store reading labels. And if anyone wants to give Hendrix a treat, I have to ask if there is peanut butter in it. If the answer is "I don't know" then no treat for H. Pretty sad really, as he misses out on a lot of treats (don't worry we make up for it at home). So not only will I discuss/post my meals, but you'll get a healthy dose of homemade dog treats as well! While there are plenty of peanut-free options to buy, sometimes they are hard to find, and I really like the idea of making my own organic dog treats. I have so far attempted a bacon/cheese cut out that went over very well with all the dogs who tried it. I have also made a good breath biscuit which Hendrix refused on the 2nd try, though it is Wyatt-approved (my brother's dog). I'm thinking of attempting something with liver in it this weekend...but I may chicken out and go with a turkey treat instead! Liver is scary, I would never eat it, but just the idea of its smooth texture gives me the Heebie Jeebies. But Hendrix really liked the liver treats I purchased him, so I may take one for the team, or the dog as it were.

I'm eating leftovers from last night, so stayed tuned for more Human food tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. When I read the labels on the food I buy for Mademoiselle La Chatte, I get depressed.. Holistic, organic and all natural cat foods have better ingredients than I eat on a regular basis.
