Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's white and green and yummy all over?

Well a brief break from food, other than dry toast and chicken broth, has left me several posts behind from meals I made last week but never wrote about. We'll start with White Beans and Spinach. I borrowed this recipe from my Oma (Grandmother in German), I'm not sure I made in exactly as she did but it is how I remember it.

I made this because, well, Rob and I found ourselves with pretty much only spinach and beans in the house. Luckily we very much enjoyed this "stewy" meal. I do remember this having much more broth in it when Oma made it, so I think you can vary the amount you use based on what you are in the mood for.

For this recipe you will need: Olive Oil, 2 Garlic cloves, 1 medium onion, 1 can white beans (I used cannellini), 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth, 1 bunch spinach leaves, salt, and pepper. First we are going to mince the garlic and chop up the onion. In a skillet, pour in a couple of glugs of olive oil and turn the heat to medium, add the garlic and onions. While that is sauteing, drain and rinse the beans, and wash the spinach and remove the stems. Once the onion is nice and soft add the beans to the skillet, let them warm for a while and then add your cup of broth, cook until everything is bubbling. Now stir in handfuls of spinach until it is wilted, but still a nice green color. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

We ate the bean and spinach with just salt and pepper for seasoning. I think you could probably use many other seasonings to give this dish a different taste. I'll update if I make this again with other spices. I also think that some good toast, pumpernickel perhaps, would be good with this as well. So not the liveliest of posts, but a good hearty meal. A special thanks to Oma for giving me the recipe!

And voila, that is what I had for dinner one night last week.

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