Monday, January 4, 2010

Starting Small

Not an ambitious day on the cooking front, for breakfast "cooking" is a loose term: Low Fat Plain Yogurt with a little Kashi Go Lean. Stirring with a spoon is about the extent of my effort, but what a fantastic simple result, crunch with a smooth yogurt finish. There really is nothing like good plain yogurt. Today I tried Emmi brand, a Swiss yogurt, a little watery than I normally like, but it had a really nice soury smooth taste. Really I should be making my own yogurt, but I'll tackle that again later. Lunch was fantastic I made fresh rolls with Onions, Orange Bell Pepper, Carrot, Celery, Sprouts, and Tofu. The Tofu was lightly browned in a little Sesame Oil, which imparts a bit of a nutty flavor. I used a little jarred peanut satay sauce as a dressing, as I failed to purchase the ingredients to make my own. But all in all the whole meal was just perfect, easy, healthy, and filling. Dinner was a good old standby, chicken sprinkled with paprika baked with onion and garlic sliced in white wine and lemon juice. This never fails to produce juicy tender chicken with a nice flavor, add in steamed broccoli (still crispy to the bite) and some Harvey Grain Mix from Trader Joe's and I'm stuffed.

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